what made you decide to start skating?

I think just seeing other people cruising around local spots and killin it.

Do you have a favorite book?

Definitely! "Food for the Gods" by Terrance McKenna

What's your favorite song to skate to? 

Aesop Rock - Day/Light

What's the best advice you've ever received? 

Be the man you want.

do you have social media?

Describe what a typical day is like for you.

Wake up get some good eats.  Speed through the 9-5 run errands, work on cars, make awesome music. SHRED, SLEEEP.

what size board do you prefer to ride and why?

Usually an 8.5 but I've been rocking an 8.38 as of recent, perfect amount of room to catch, easy to flick too.  Happy medium for sure.

Any words of wisdom you have for people just learning to skate?

Keep at it!  It'll pay off eventually! Broken bones heal!